The Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi tied knot with Priyanka Alva at Alva’s residence in Bengaluru, 30th October, 2010. The wedding ceremony kicked off with a mehndi brunch. The function includes haldi and chura ceremony, sehra bandi, baarat, jayamala, pheras, dinner and a music concert. Many celebrities from political gallery and film industries was attended the ceremony. The marriage ceremony started at 5.30 pm with Vivek coming to the farmhouse, followed by his close friends. Director Apoorva Lakhia in the town and set the stage on fire during Mehendi Ceremony on Thursday. Designer Tarun Tahilani has prepared the wedding dresses of bride and groom. Vivek Oberoi has invited Bachchans family and Tollywood Megastar, Chiranjeevi family personally for his wedding ceremony. Priyanka Alva hails from Bangalore and is the daughter of the late Karnataka Minister Jeevraj. Sushmita Sen; Dia Mirza; Tarun Tahiliani; Kumar Taurani; and Sachin Gupta are expected to attend for this ceremony.
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→Vivek Oberoi & Priyanka Alva Marriage Photos
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